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"Design" covers a lot of territory so I have assembled just a few samples from the various types
of designs I have done over the past - dare I say it - 50 years! Click on any category to jump right to it.
Logos • Websites • Early work • Career talk • Book covers • Tee shirts • Music video • Paintings • CD covers

A few of the hundreds of logos I have designed for non-profits and small businesses over the years
Oldies but Goodies.

TIME Magazine

Baskin Robbins poster
Save The Children
Red Cross
U.S. Postage Stamp
Eary work

I design websites for small companies, and individual
authors, artists, photographers and pickpockets.

A few o fthe hundreds of logos I have designed
I am occasionally asked to give talks to schools and organizations on my work and career, as shown in this video.
Please contact me if you have something in mind.
Career Talk
Book Covers

I have designed hundreds of race tee shirts, which are fun to do, and worn by many!
Tee Shirts
I always wanted to direct a music video and when a good friend, the late
Doug Wahlberg wrote a song based on my "What If" book, I did it.
Music Vide

I started out as a painter, and did some commissions like these, but worrying about the client's approval was exhausting

I used to design CD covers too, remember them?
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